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Sunday, 2 April 2017

Trump fires off new Twitter tirade in response to report on Fox "fake" News.

And then just this morning Trump followed up with this.
The impetus for Trump's hyperactive tweets seems to be this story from Fox News claiming that they have a source who located the "very well known, very high up, very senior in the intelligence world" individual who targeted Donald Trump.

The "source" also made this claim: 

“Opposition by some in the intelligence agencies who were very connected to the Obama and Clinton teams was strong. After Trump was elected, they decided they were going to ruin his presidency by picking them off one by one."

The problem for Trump of course is that Fox News is the World Net Daily of cable news and they are notorious for having "experts" on their programs who are later discredited and shown to be charlatans.

In fact they already temporarily suspended Judge Andrew Napolitano for making a very similar claim just last month.

But Trump doesn't care, as far as he is concerned any new outlet that back him up is a good news source, and all others are "fake news."


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