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Monday, 28 August 2017

Donald Trump's advisers are now warning him about the looming possibility to impeachment.

(Just a tweet demonstrating how isolated Trump is now from those who are supposed to be working with him.)

Courtesy of Newsweek:

Donald Trump's presidency already has been one of the most controversial in U.S. history, and its ending could be just as action-packed and unpredictable as his first seven months in office. 

As the 45th president deals with his stalled agenda, his sinking approval ratings and the investigations into his presidential campaign's ties to Russia, White House advisers have reportedly been warning Trump about his potential political doom: the exhaustive impeachment process that could result in his removal from the Oval Office. And he isn’t doing himself many favors.

Republicans on Capitol Hill have become a subject of Trump's daily Twitter storms, with the president repeatedly denouncing Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for the GOP's continued failure to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. He has also warned others to fall in line and help pass his campaign promises or face the wrath of his 140 characters.

His actions could spell disaster for Trump if special counsel Robert Mueller determines that his presidential campaign colluded with the Kremlin, or that the president attempted to obstruct justice at any point throughout his short tenure in politics. Either situation would swiftly encourage more Democrats to push for his impeachment—and if Trump doesn't have enough Republican allies, he could be ousted.

Several White House advisers have spoken with the president about his possible impeachment, and about how overcoming such proceedings would require friendships with the elected officials responsible for deciding whether he should remain in office.

Of course Trump is currently ignoring the advice of those warning him that he needs to stop pushing everybody away. Instead he just keeps right on pushing.

And this is being illustrated right now by a number of recent firings, and even more resignations.

Courtesy of The Hill:

A pair of top State Department officials, including the lead envoy to the United Nations, have announced they will leave their posts, Foreign Policy reported on Sunday. 

Tracey Ann Jacobson, a career foreign service officer responsible for overseeing U.S. policy at international organizations including the U.N., told her staff on Friday that she will continue in her post until early October but did not specify why she was leaving, a U.S. official told Foreign Policy. 

Also on Friday, William Rivington Brownfield, the U.S. assistant secretary of State for international narcotics and law enforcement affairs, told his department that he would leave by the end of September, according to the report.

And that is by no means the only folks currently jumping ship.

Courtesy of Fortune:

A quarter of the members of the National Infrastructure Advisory Council, whose purview includes national cybersecurity, have resigned. In a group resignation letter, they cited both specific shortfalls in the administration’s approach to cybersecurity, and broader concerns that Trump and his administration have undermined the “moral infrastructure” of the U.S.

That is seven members gone from a 27 member council whose focus is protecting us from cyber attacks by those who want to steal our information, blackmail powerful Americans, or shape our politics.

Exactly the kinds of people we should NOT be losing.

So to sum up Trump is currently losing support among Washington Republicans, and also losing members of his administration, at an amazing rate.

And this at a time when he most needs people to stay on his team, and to expand the size of that team.

However those are the drawbacks of being an arrogant, egotistical, toxic POS.

Instead of people rushing to help you in your time of need, they are perfectly content to sit back at a distance and gleefully watch as you crash and burn.


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