Courtesy of the Daily Beast:
This week, potential litigants from Nebraska to Oklahoma received mailers offering the opportunity to join a class action lawsuit if former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee robocalled their houses with advertisements for a straight-to-DVD movie about the War on Christmas.
“If you received one or more telephone calls that used the recorded voice of Mike Huckabee to deliver a message as part of a campaign for the movie Last Ounce of Courage, you may be a class member in a class action lawsuit,” the mailer reads.
Lawyers for plaintiffs Dorit and Ron Golan, who first filed the suit in 2014, allege that more than 4 million calls were made in the marketing campaign for Last Ounce of Courage. The case was first dismissed in May of 2014, then allowed to proceed by the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals in June of 2015. The class action was certified by a U.S. district court judge in St. Louis in January of this year.
Huckabee himself was originally listed as a defendant but was later removed from the case, according to a memorandum from United States District Judge E. Richard Webber, the person who initially determined that the Golans did not have a case. The suit hinges on the plaintiffs alleging that the calls are in potential violation of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, which stipulates that unsolicited messages with commercial content via telephone is unlawful.
As you might imagine Huckabee was not prepared to speak to reporters about this case.
Okay look I don't like solicitors calling me at home either, but how bad can this movie be that so many people are prepared to sue over being asked to purchase it?
Holy crap! I actually want to get in on this lawsuit for just having to watch the trailer.
And get a load of the heavy handed marketing campaign:
“The advertising campaign for Last Ounce of Courage included approximately 4 million telephone calls to residential telephone numbers through many states in the United States and ‘Email to Text (ETT) Messages’ to 30 million cell phones,” the complaint alleges.
What’s more is that the complaint contends the calls were meant to appear as if they were a survey to see whether call recipients had “traditional American values.” And “if the recipients believed in freedom and liberty, they would enjoy Last Ounce of Courage.”Here are some of the segments the complaint alleges were featured in the call:
“Hello, this is Governor Mike Huckabee with a 45-second survey. Do you believe in American Freedom and Liberty?”
“Would you, like me, Mike Huckabee, like to see Hollywood respect and promote traditional American values?”
“I am an enthusiastic supporter of a new movie called Last Ounce of Courage. It is a film about faith, freedom, and taking a stand for American values.” Some of the calls also allegedly included plugs for Huckabee’s radio show, which the the Golans’ lawyers point to in the complaint.
Yeah I think this is reasonable grounds for a lawsuit, I just wish that the original judge had not removed Huckabee who it appears "composed, reviewed, and modified the script, made the recording, inserted material into the script and recording advertising his radio show, inserted material into the recording personally benefitting him, all with the knowledge and expectation that his recording be played on 4 million illegal calls."
Seems to me that he should be the number one defendant named in the suit.
I cannot believe these idiots are still trying to fan the flames on that ridiculous "War on Christmas" bullshit.
And what do they do now that Donald Trump is in the White House?
What am I saying? This it too good of a gig to simply walk away from.
They will continue pushing this "fake news" while blaming it on Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats.
This week, potential litigants from Nebraska to Oklahoma received mailers offering the opportunity to join a class action lawsuit if former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee robocalled their houses with advertisements for a straight-to-DVD movie about the War on Christmas.
“If you received one or more telephone calls that used the recorded voice of Mike Huckabee to deliver a message as part of a campaign for the movie Last Ounce of Courage, you may be a class member in a class action lawsuit,” the mailer reads.
Lawyers for plaintiffs Dorit and Ron Golan, who first filed the suit in 2014, allege that more than 4 million calls were made in the marketing campaign for Last Ounce of Courage. The case was first dismissed in May of 2014, then allowed to proceed by the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals in June of 2015. The class action was certified by a U.S. district court judge in St. Louis in January of this year.
Huckabee himself was originally listed as a defendant but was later removed from the case, according to a memorandum from United States District Judge E. Richard Webber, the person who initially determined that the Golans did not have a case. The suit hinges on the plaintiffs alleging that the calls are in potential violation of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, which stipulates that unsolicited messages with commercial content via telephone is unlawful.
As you might imagine Huckabee was not prepared to speak to reporters about this case.
Okay look I don't like solicitors calling me at home either, but how bad can this movie be that so many people are prepared to sue over being asked to purchase it?
Holy crap! I actually want to get in on this lawsuit for just having to watch the trailer.
And get a load of the heavy handed marketing campaign:
“The advertising campaign for Last Ounce of Courage included approximately 4 million telephone calls to residential telephone numbers through many states in the United States and ‘Email to Text (ETT) Messages’ to 30 million cell phones,” the complaint alleges.
What’s more is that the complaint contends the calls were meant to appear as if they were a survey to see whether call recipients had “traditional American values.” And “if the recipients believed in freedom and liberty, they would enjoy Last Ounce of Courage.”Here are some of the segments the complaint alleges were featured in the call:
“Hello, this is Governor Mike Huckabee with a 45-second survey. Do you believe in American Freedom and Liberty?”
“Would you, like me, Mike Huckabee, like to see Hollywood respect and promote traditional American values?”
“I am an enthusiastic supporter of a new movie called Last Ounce of Courage. It is a film about faith, freedom, and taking a stand for American values.” Some of the calls also allegedly included plugs for Huckabee’s radio show, which the the Golans’ lawyers point to in the complaint.
Yeah I think this is reasonable grounds for a lawsuit, I just wish that the original judge had not removed Huckabee who it appears "composed, reviewed, and modified the script, made the recording, inserted material into the script and recording advertising his radio show, inserted material into the recording personally benefitting him, all with the knowledge and expectation that his recording be played on 4 million illegal calls."
Seems to me that he should be the number one defendant named in the suit.
I cannot believe these idiots are still trying to fan the flames on that ridiculous "War on Christmas" bullshit.
And what do they do now that Donald Trump is in the White House?
What am I saying? This it too good of a gig to simply walk away from.
They will continue pushing this "fake news" while blaming it on Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats.