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Friday, 21 July 2017

Florida man upset that utility trucks are parked near his lawn, starts shooting.

Courtesy of the Miami Herald: 

He didn't like the AT&T work trucks in front of his Hialeah home, so Jorge Jove retrieved his revolver and began shooting out the tires and the engine, police said. 

Cell phone video rolled as Jove, 64, calmly walked around the first truck and shot at all four tires. The sound of the air coming out of the tires followed the blast. 

Jove then walked to the second bucket truck and began shooting at the front of it, reloading the gun several times. Meanwhile, one of the AT&T workers could be heard calling police to report the shooting. 

“He's shooting the truck right now,” said a man who identified himself as Derrick Taylor, a technician with AT&T. “There's a guy shooting the tires and shooting the engines and everything.” 

As Taylor spoke to the dispatcher, Jove continued his attack on the trucks.

At the end of the Miami Herald article it says "charges are pending."

But let's face it he is a white guy in Florida exercising his 2nd Amendment right to protect his lawn from utility trucks.

He probably won't get more than a slap on the wrist.

Actually probably get a commendation for protecting the neighborhood from those AT&T bastards.


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