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Saturday, 20 May 2017

"Fossil fuels have lost. The rest of the world just doesn’t know it yet."

Courtesy of Think Progress:  

The details of this transition are spelled out in a new, must-read, 4000-word article in the Financial Times, “The Big Green Bang: how renewable energy became unstoppable.” 

What is most remarkable about the article is that it appears in the Financial Times. The free-market oriented paper is the “most important business read” for the world’s top financial decision makers and “the most credible publication in reporting financial and economic issues” for global professional investors, according to surveys.

Electric cars that were hard to even buy eight years ago are selling at an exponential rate,” explains FT’s environment correspondent Pilita Clark, “in the process driving down the price of batteries that hold the key to unleashing new levels of green growth.” 

Indeed, one key reason the clean energy revolution is unstoppable is the dramatic and ongoing improvements in battery cost and performance. Advanced batteries are game-changing not only for the electrification of transportation, but also for the continued rapid penetration of renewables.

Just another reminder that though it appears at times that we are in the craziest of times politically, we are also witnessing the dawning of a new age technologically. 

And in fact it is this very technology that will undercut the funding from fossil fuel companies that traditionally favor conservatives, and even remove the main reason for meddling in the affairs of Middle Eastern countries to gain access to their oil supplies.

Despite what Donald Trump has promised coal is not going to see a resurgence, and it will be President Obama's investment in renewable energy that will see us to a brighter, and less polluted, tomorrow.


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