Courtesy of the Boston Herald:
Bay State Sen. Elizabeth Warren stepped up her attack on Donald Trump last night, calling him a “racist bully” — and saying that a vote for Green Party candidate Jill Stein is effectively one for the Republican nominee.
“Donald Trump is a thin-skinned, racist bully and he has proven that day after day, week after week, month after month for more than a year,” Warren said last night after a speech at Roxbury Community College, adding later: “He has made hate part of his campaign, and I think there comes a time when you just have to call him out on it. We have to say we are a better country than that.”
When asked what she would say to far-left voters who would consider voting for Stein over Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, Warren sought to warn them off.
“Anything you do that helps Donald Trump get one inch closer to the White House is a danger to all of us,” Warren said, adding that a vote for Stein “moves Donald Trump closer to the White House.”
Well she's not wrong, in fact I have been saying that for some time now, however I can only imagine how that will be received by Stein and the Green Party.
Oops never mind, don't have to imagine it.
Crazy anti-vaxxer lady you do NOT want to start a flame war with Elizabeth Warren. She will break you into tiny bite size pieces and feed you to her dogs.
P.S. I STILL think that Warren would have made a better VP pick.

Bay State Sen. Elizabeth Warren stepped up her attack on Donald Trump last night, calling him a “racist bully” — and saying that a vote for Green Party candidate Jill Stein is effectively one for the Republican nominee.
“Donald Trump is a thin-skinned, racist bully and he has proven that day after day, week after week, month after month for more than a year,” Warren said last night after a speech at Roxbury Community College, adding later: “He has made hate part of his campaign, and I think there comes a time when you just have to call him out on it. We have to say we are a better country than that.”
When asked what she would say to far-left voters who would consider voting for Stein over Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, Warren sought to warn them off.
“Anything you do that helps Donald Trump get one inch closer to the White House is a danger to all of us,” Warren said, adding that a vote for Stein “moves Donald Trump closer to the White House.”
Well she's not wrong, in fact I have been saying that for some time now, however I can only imagine how that will be received by Stein and the Green Party.
Oops never mind, don't have to imagine it.
Did Stein really suggest that Senator Warren was being controlled by Wall Street? Oh hell no!Sad to see @elizabethforma attacking real progressives on behalf of a Wall Street-financed campaign. #WalkTheWalk— Dr. Jill Stein (@DrJillStein) August 26, 2016
Crazy anti-vaxxer lady you do NOT want to start a flame war with Elizabeth Warren. She will break you into tiny bite size pieces and feed you to her dogs.
P.S. I STILL think that Warren would have made a better VP pick.