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Friday, 6 January 2017

Kentucky senate president, a Republican, says women have two choices: "Conceive or not." After that it is up to the politicians.

Kentucky Senate President Robert Stiyers.
Courtesy of TPM: 

Justifying his support for a 20-week ban on abortions, the Republican president of the Kentucky Senate asserted that women had the "choice" of whether to conceive a child and "the legislature has its ability to determine" the course of a pregnancy after that. 

According to a report from the Lexington Herald Leader, Senate President Robert Stivers (R) said Tuesday afternoon that he would have preferred a ban on abortions even earlier than 20 weeks. 

“This is my belief: there are two viable beings involved,” he said, as quoted by the Herald Leader. “One had a choice early on to make a decision to conceive or not. Once conception starts, another life is involved, and the legislature has the ability to determine how that life proceeds.”

Holy shit! This is what happens when you sleep through biology class.

Until a fetus can live outside of a mother's womb it is simply NOT yet a person. And I don't care what the Bible says differently. (Spoiler Alert: It says nothing about this.)

The chances of a fetus surviving outside of the mother at 23 weeks are 20 to 35%. At 24 to 25 weeks that increases to 50 or 70%. But it is not until well around 26 to 27 weeks that a baby has a 90% chance of making it out of the hospital.

So suggesting that a baby is a person before 20 weeks is simply scientifically ignorant.

And until men can get pregnant, no man should ever even think about telling a woman what to do with her own reproductive organs.

Also keep in mind that if these knuckle draggers had their way women would also be denied access to birth control.

In their eyes a woman's only contribution to society is to make babies, and if they engage in sex they should be willing to accept the consequences and give birth to any baby that may result from that "sinful" activity.

(Of course it's not sinful when men do it because.....well because they're men.)


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