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Sunday, 16 April 2017

Donald Trump celebrates Easter in the traditional manner by posting Tweets boasting about his election win, bitching about tax day protests, and preparing the country for World War 3.

First tweet for today essentially says that Trump will not insult China as long as they do what he wants.

THAT'S the holiday spirit!
Okay there we go, that seems appropriate.
Uh, okay.

Once again let's remind everybody that Trump's electoral college victory was the smallest in recent presidential history.

As for the tax returns, yes those will likely continue to be an issue until the American people get a chance to see why Trump is working so hard to hide them.
Citizens of this country do not have to be paid to fight for our rights.

Trump is thinking of politicians.

 And finally (For right now at least.) there was this.
That's right kids, gather up those eggs. Because you are going to need the protein in order to fight in the inevitable world war that a Trump presidency will surely lead to. 

And there you have Donald Trump's first Easter as the commander-in-chief.

Have you ever been more terrified? 


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