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Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Putin feigns anger with US during meeting with Secretary or State Rex Tillerson.

Oh shucks. I could never quit you.
Okay so after at first putting out the message that Putin would not meet with Tillerson, thereby getting the press all atwitter about a rift concerning Syria, that meeting finally took place.

Courtesy of the New York Times:  

After Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson waited for much of the day, wondering whether he would get to meet with President Vladimir V. Putin, the two men sat down at the Kremlin late Wednesday afternoon in the first face-to-face meeting between the Russian leader and a top official in the Trump administration. 

Relations between the United States and Russia have grown so tense that it was unclear whether Mr. Putin would agree to see Mr. Tillerson, a man he once gave a medal of friendship. 

Their meeting lasted almost two hours and ended just before 8 p.m. local time.

So what we are supposed to take from this is that Putin is really, really pissy with the United States right now so he threw shade at them by making the Secretary of State cool his heels like some peasant, before finally giving in and taking the meeting.

(A meeting by the way that Putin showed up on time for, even though he is famous for showing up late to meetings, including one with former Secretary of State John Kerry and even the Pope. )

Keep in mind that Tillerson is a such a good friend of Putin's, that he once gave him the Russian Medal of Friendship.

But now we are to believe that he would suddenly dis his old friend over something as silly as politics?

According to statements by Tillerson after the meeting things were supposedly chilly between the two old friends.

Courtesy of CNN: 

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Wednesday that relations with Moscow are at a low point after meetings in Russia that seemed to do little to bridge a deepening diplomatic divide over a chemical attack in Syria. 

Relations are "at a low point, there is a low level of trust between our two countries," Tillerson said at a news conference with his Russian counterpart, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

Of course we have to simply take Tillerson's word on this because....
That's right, no press allowed.

For all we know Tillerson and Putin greeted each other with high fives and air kisses, because let's face it the only group of people who lies more to the press than the Russians, are the folks associated with Donald Trump.

But it sounds good right?

Good enough to fool even the folks over at Vox, who actually wrote this headline: 

Rex Tillerson’s first visit to Moscow showed that the Trump-Russia lovefest is dead

WTF? So we are to believe that in just five days since the missile attack in Syria that Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin went from braiding each other's hair to writing nasty messages in each other's school lockers?


I like the folks over at Vox, I really do. But they are acting like it is their first day on the job of covering Donald Trump and his use of Tourette Syndrome like distractions.

Here is an observation from former presidential candidate Evan McMullin:
Yeah, if the Trump Administration has really had enough of Putin's shit why not hold his feet to the fire over this?

No, take my word for it this "lovefest" is far from dead.

They are just waiting for the media to get distracted before they start tongue kissing again.

Just keep your eye on those Russian sanctions.


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