Courtesy of Raw Story:
“Trump supporters aren’t changing their minds because the problem isn’t in the mind. It’s lower. It’s emotional,” Maher said. “He could have Ann Frank’s skeleton in his closet. They’d all vote for him again.”
Asking why, Maher walked through the cultural crisis many of the undervalued white voters face that Trump managed to harness. “I think it’s a gut feeling that the world has changed and they don’t like it,” he said. “Trump is going to change it back to the way it was.”
Speaking occasionally in a thick southern accent, Maher railed against “damn Mexicans” flooding baseball fields like “the parking lot at Home Depot.” He was furious about two boys kissing on the kiss-cam. “And did I mention Bruce Jenner has tits now?”
“I ain’t no racist, but why does American need to have a black Santa Claus?” Maher asked. “I think I speak for most liberals when I say, I don’t care about black Santa. I don’t think it’s going to make the Little Drummer Boy start cutting himself. But to Trump voters, making Santa black is unthinkable. It’d be like making Jesus Middle Eastern.”
Not only was that pretty damn funny, but it was also pretty damn true.
And I think is what really frustrates those of us whose thinking is reality based.
In my mind if Russia is working hard to get a candidate elected, that disqualifies them out of hand.
And if a candidate is caught on tape talking about grabbing pussies, that is a non-starter.
But to the Trump supporters those are either forgivable sins, or bullshit made up by the "liberal media."
Stupid is stupid, and it is apparently impervious to change.
So in response we just need to flood the upcoming elections with smart, liberal, forward thinking candidates, and push these paint chi eaters back to the fringe where they belong.
“Trump supporters aren’t changing their minds because the problem isn’t in the mind. It’s lower. It’s emotional,” Maher said. “He could have Ann Frank’s skeleton in his closet. They’d all vote for him again.”
Asking why, Maher walked through the cultural crisis many of the undervalued white voters face that Trump managed to harness. “I think it’s a gut feeling that the world has changed and they don’t like it,” he said. “Trump is going to change it back to the way it was.”
Speaking occasionally in a thick southern accent, Maher railed against “damn Mexicans” flooding baseball fields like “the parking lot at Home Depot.” He was furious about two boys kissing on the kiss-cam. “And did I mention Bruce Jenner has tits now?”
“I ain’t no racist, but why does American need to have a black Santa Claus?” Maher asked. “I think I speak for most liberals when I say, I don’t care about black Santa. I don’t think it’s going to make the Little Drummer Boy start cutting himself. But to Trump voters, making Santa black is unthinkable. It’d be like making Jesus Middle Eastern.”
Not only was that pretty damn funny, but it was also pretty damn true.
And I think is what really frustrates those of us whose thinking is reality based.
In my mind if Russia is working hard to get a candidate elected, that disqualifies them out of hand.
And if a candidate is caught on tape talking about grabbing pussies, that is a non-starter.
But to the Trump supporters those are either forgivable sins, or bullshit made up by the "liberal media."
Stupid is stupid, and it is apparently impervious to change.
So in response we just need to flood the upcoming elections with smart, liberal, forward thinking candidates, and push these paint chi eaters back to the fringe where they belong.