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Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Sarah Palin is not even pretending that she is not regurgitating conspiracy theories from the Right Wing fringe anymore.

That's right folks, Info Wars.

That is the home of Alex Jones that tin hatted gargoyle who thinks the monsters under his bed are possessed by demons hired by Harry Reid.

This is the guy who literally thinks that Hillary Clinton is out to kill him.

And that is who Palin is now linking to on her Facebook page.

No longer is she bothering to link to The Independent Journal or Breitbart News.

Now she is simply bypassing them and going to the same lunatic asylum where they get THEIR stories.

Just like your crazy uncle who thinks that the fluoride in the water allows the government to read your thoughts.

And while Palin thinks it reasonable to panic her Facebook fans with news that Russia will position a military division only fifty miles from Alaska, she says not a word about their hacking of government agencies or their attempts to interfere in our election. 



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