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Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Amid accusations of violence toward the mother of his second child Track Palin files motion to modify child support payments to the mother of his first child.

So yes according to Court View Track reopened his first child custody case and filed a motion to modify his child support.

Since it would be the rarest of rarities for a father to reopen a case to increase his child support, and this IS a Palin we are talking about, I think it is safe to assume that Track is reducing his support payments.

So is this a coincidence that the case reopened on the day that Radar Online reported that Track's parents have washed their hands of him, or is losing THAT support in fact the reason that Track can no longer meet his financial responsibilities?

Remember this comes on the heels of Britta Hanson modifying that custody agreement back in March of last year when she heard that he kicked the shit out of Jordan Loewe, his newest baby mama, in a drunken rage.

At that time Track lost overnight visits with Kyla Grace as well as a significant amount of his time during the day with her, and he has never been granted that time back.

Now I know that the Palin troll will be here spinning her bullshit about how the Palins are good parents, and that Track is some kind of special case.

However if you are even a casual Palin watcher you know that is definitely not true.

And one needs to remember that Track could have received help for his substance abuse and out of control behaviors several times along the way, but at every opportunity to get that help his mother interfered and kept him from facing the consequences for his actions.

Seriously the best thing for Track Palin right now is that he get arrested for some crime that hopefully does not leave anybody dead, and that he finally receive the counseling and substance abuse therapy that he has clearly needed since he was a teenager.

Currently this young man is a danger to himself, and to all of those around him until that happens.


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