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Thursday, 7 July 2016

No Guccifer did NOT hack Hillary Clinton's e-mail server.

This claim by Republicans and Bernie-Bros that this Guccifer fellow hacked Hillary Clinton's e-mail server, and that she put potentially top secret information into the hands of our enemies, is complete bullshit.

Despite the claims by Fox News: 

The infamous Romanian hacker known as “Guccifer,” speaking exclusively with Fox News, claimed he easily – and repeatedly – breached former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s personal email server in early 2013. 

"For me, it was easy ... easy for me, for everybody," Marcel Lehel Lazar, who goes by the moniker "Guccifer," told Fox News from a Virginia jail where he is being held. 

Guccifer’s potential role in the Clinton email investigation was first reported by Fox News last month. The hacker subsequently claimed he was able to access the server – and provided extensive details about how he did it and what he found – over the course of a half-hour jailhouse interview and a series of recorded phone calls with Fox News.

Well he lied to them and in their desperation to prove Hillary Clinton unfit for the presidency they ate it up with a spoon.

Today when asked point blank if Hillary's e-mails had been hacked FBI director James Comey said this:  

"I'm not sure."

Which is ridiculous because he also said that there was no evidence found that the server had been hacked.

Typically when you find no evidence of a crime you say there was no crime. You don't say "Well there could have been a crime, but I can't be sure because I can't find the evidence."

So we now know that the State Department was hacked, the White House was hacked, the IRS was hacked, the Office of Personnel Management was hacked, and even the DNC was hacked.

And yet we have no proof, nor any real reason to suspect, that Hillary Clinton's e-mails were hacked.

So one more time, WHOSE e-mail system was more secure again?

Hillary Clinton is being vilified for what MIGHT have gone wrong with her e-mail situation, but in the end nothing that was classified fell into enemy hands, no hackers broke into her system, and it resulted in no agents or soldiers being put at risk.

Which by the way, is a hell of a lot more than can be said for other so-called secure government e-mails servers.


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