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Saturday, 11 March 2017

Sarah Palin dives deep into her pool of hypocrisy while preaching about charitable giving.

Okay so it has been awhile I thought it was about time to go ahead and see what the Wasilla Wendigo has been up to.

Well mostly scouring Donald Trump's withered orange ball sack with her tongue actually, but also occasionally stepping up to the pulpit to preach to the handful or supporters who still give two shits about what she has to say.

And so it was yesterday with a "Daily Devotional" about giving.

No I did not type that incorrectly, it is about giving.

Of course the post starts out with a Bible verse that I imagine somebody looked up for her just for this occasion.

Then Palin turns the hypocrisy up to eleven and this is the result: 

Growing up, I was taught that the Bible says we can “test” God in our tithes and offerings. Without fail, He always repays when we give. (Yeah, okay that is demonstrably untrue.) It’s been fun to pass that lesson on to my kids because they clearly see the proof. 

The blessing of giving is participating in it willingly – cheerfully even. Our government has it backward. Politicians put their hands in someone else’s pocket instead of treating other people’s hard-earned money as they would their own. In Washington, there’s too much addiction to OPM (other people’s money). (This from a woman who quite literally lived on the donations to her SuperPAC from idiots who believed she was actually someday going to run for president.) In fact, when politicians’ personal finances have to be disclosed when they run for office, some of the most self-described compassionate liberals are revealed as the least charitable. (I'm sorry, where are Donald Trump's tax returns again?)

That’s not God’s plan. He’s calling us to step up. The easy way out is to simply depend on the government to hand out everything, bu (I think that was supposed to be "but.") the first lesson in any good Econ 101 course is: “There ain’t no such thing as a free lunch.” (Don't your children receive free health care for being part native? Why yes, yes they do.) Our government was never intended to rob from Peter to give to Paul. Safety nets? Yes. Unnecessary government dependency? No. Joy, blessings, and productivity are found in voluntary giving, in personally providing help to the needy. (Literally not a self aware bone in this lunatic's body. Remember the family motto? "What's in it for us?")

Today, give something extravagant to God, not out of guilt or obligation, but because you delight in God’s generosity and want to emulate it!

Now I have to admit that the idea of tithing has always really bothered me.

After all for what use does a creature with the ability to create something out of nothing have for money?

And why do people need to pay to have a priest, pastor, or minister explain a book to them that they can all read for themselves?

Yeah, that just never made sense to me.

So there you go, what Sarah Palin is up when she is giving Donald Trump a good ball washing is honing her televangelist skills, which clearly still need some work.


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