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Saturday, 25 March 2017

Dakota Meyer's Fox News interview about his Medal of Honor and Islamic terrorism is all you need to see to understand why he fits in so well with the Palins.

Why do I think that somewhere there is a chart which says "You have to be this dumb to marry a Palin?"

Look I respect that Dakota won such a prestigious medal, that is quite an accomplishment.

But let's not forget that he disobeyed direct orders to do it, and that the story told about his bravery did not pass the smell test. 

Look I wish no ill will to Dakota, after all his life must be hell already.

However I would suggest that he resist the urge to go on TV and give his opinion on ANYTHING, unless it is concerning shit he has seen while living in the Palin compound.

That would at least be worth the pain of listening to him struggle to formulate a coherent sentence.


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