This was a few days ago, but I just saw it today and wanted to put my two cents in as well.
I DEFINITELY think that it is time for us to discard the Electoral College as it has now cost the Democrats two separate presidential elections and clearly does not adequately represent the will of the people.
What's more I think that doing away with the Electoral College will inspire more people to vote, since their vote will CERTAINLY count and they will not be disenfranchised by the knowledge that no matter who they vote for their state ALWAYS goes for either the Republican or Democratic candidate.
It will also make it MUCH more difficult for foreign nations (I'm looking at you Russia.) to hijack our elections, or for machines to change enough votes to steal victory away from the candidate with the most support.
The downside of course is that it will certainly take longer to tally the votes and in fact we may not be able to determine a clear winner for several days.
However I would much rather practice my patience and KNOW that the person who throws the victory party a few days late had the most votes, rather than wonder for months who had actually chosen the person preparing their inaugural address.
I DEFINITELY think that it is time for us to discard the Electoral College as it has now cost the Democrats two separate presidential elections and clearly does not adequately represent the will of the people.
What's more I think that doing away with the Electoral College will inspire more people to vote, since their vote will CERTAINLY count and they will not be disenfranchised by the knowledge that no matter who they vote for their state ALWAYS goes for either the Republican or Democratic candidate.
It will also make it MUCH more difficult for foreign nations (I'm looking at you Russia.) to hijack our elections, or for machines to change enough votes to steal victory away from the candidate with the most support.
The downside of course is that it will certainly take longer to tally the votes and in fact we may not be able to determine a clear winner for several days.
However I would much rather practice my patience and KNOW that the person who throws the victory party a few days late had the most votes, rather than wonder for months who had actually chosen the person preparing their inaugural address.