Courtesy of the Chicago Tribune:
The Senate on Wednesday confirmed Sen. Jeff Sessions to be attorney general in the Trump administration despite fierce Democratic opposition to the Alabama Republican over his record on civil rights and immigration.
The 52-47 nearly party-line vote capped weeks of divisive battles over Sessions, an early supporter of President Donald Trump and one of the Senate's most conservative lawmakers. After the vote was announced, Sessions' Republican colleagues applauded the outcome while barely a handful of Democrats did the same.
In a post-vote valedictory speech, Sessions alluded to the bitter partisanship and wished for more collegiality.
"Denigrating people who disagree with us, I think, is not a healthy trend for our body," he said.
That last remark was of course a shot at the heroic Senator Elizabeth Warren who was shut down while trying to read a letter from Coretta Scott King on the Senate floor that King wrote when Sessions was being considered for an appointment as a federal judge.
At this point I really have serious doubts that the Democrats have the numbers to stop ANY of Trump's future appointments. Which includes his Supreme Court nominee.
However we must realize that Trump is damned and determined to sabotage the government and roll back progress just as far as he can in the next two years.
Which means we better have our ducks in a row for the 2018 election cycle because that will be the first time that we really have a shot at slowing him down, if not completely stopping him.
And our presidential candidate in 2020 better be a fucking star, because we are going to need one.
Any ideas?

The Senate on Wednesday confirmed Sen. Jeff Sessions to be attorney general in the Trump administration despite fierce Democratic opposition to the Alabama Republican over his record on civil rights and immigration.
The 52-47 nearly party-line vote capped weeks of divisive battles over Sessions, an early supporter of President Donald Trump and one of the Senate's most conservative lawmakers. After the vote was announced, Sessions' Republican colleagues applauded the outcome while barely a handful of Democrats did the same.
In a post-vote valedictory speech, Sessions alluded to the bitter partisanship and wished for more collegiality.
"Denigrating people who disagree with us, I think, is not a healthy trend for our body," he said.
That last remark was of course a shot at the heroic Senator Elizabeth Warren who was shut down while trying to read a letter from Coretta Scott King on the Senate floor that King wrote when Sessions was being considered for an appointment as a federal judge.
At this point I really have serious doubts that the Democrats have the numbers to stop ANY of Trump's future appointments. Which includes his Supreme Court nominee.
That does not mean that we don't stop fighting, int fact it means that we need to start fighting harder.Congratulations, America. We have an oil man at State, a billionaire idiot at Education, and a racist as Attorney General. #SwampRats— George Takei (@GeorgeTakei) February 9, 2017
However we must realize that Trump is damned and determined to sabotage the government and roll back progress just as far as he can in the next two years.
Which means we better have our ducks in a row for the 2018 election cycle because that will be the first time that we really have a shot at slowing him down, if not completely stopping him.
And our presidential candidate in 2020 better be a fucking star, because we are going to need one.
#ShePersisted |