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Thursday, 9 February 2017

So are the rumors about Sarah Palin becoming the ambassador to Canada true? Who knows, anything is possible these days.

Courtesy of The Guardian: 

Much of her life has played out like a Canadian stereotype: from her favourite food of moose stew to extolling the virtues of hockey moms and her love of snowmobiling. 

But after a White House spokesman refused to rule out the possibility that Sarah Palin could be the next US ambassador to Ottawa, few in Canada seemed to be embracing the prospect of the former Alaska governor taking up the role.

“Sarah Palin as ambassador?” New Democrat MP Charlie Angus asked on Twitter. “Well that would show how little Steve Bannon and his pal @realDonaldTrump think of Canada.” 

Others dismissed the idea as simply fake news or alternative facts, while some wondered if this was an early April Fools joke from the White House. 

“Appointing Sarah Palin as the US ambassador to Canada is, like, ultimate trolling,” noted one. “If he makes Sarah Palin the US Ambassador to Canada. I say we keep our oil and hockey players. BTW … does she speak Canadian?” Asked another.

Oh good Canadians have a sense of humor.

Well if Sarah Palin actually becomes the ambassador to their country they are going to need it. 

So do I think this might be an actual possibility.

Sure. After all Donald Trump clearly has not let ignorance, racism, or mental illness disqualify any of his administration picks so far.

And would Sarah Palin be willing to take the job?

What other choices does she have right now?

But there is really nothing to worry about even if she does.

Ambassadors have virtually NO power, and as for embarrassing the United States, what more could she really do in that area that Donald Trump is not already doing?

So let Trump appoint her if that is what he wants.  It would just once again put her in a position to be mocked by the worldwide media and who does not enjoy that?


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