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Thursday, 23 February 2017

Psychologist calls Donald Trump is a “paranoid, psychopathic, narcissist who is divorced from reality.” Oh, do people still not realize that?

Courtesy of Raw Story: 

Appearing on MSNBC Tuesday night, a psychologist warned that fellow doctors have a responsibility to point out that President Donald Trump exhibits clear signs of mental illness and shouldn’t be trusted with the nuclear codes. 

Speaking with host Lawrence O’Donnell, Dr. John Gartner claimed, Trump is a “paranoid, psychopathic, narcissist who is divorced from reality” who will put the nation at risk. 

“If we could construct a psychiatric Frankenstein monster, we could not create a leader more dangerously mentally ill than Donald Trump,” Gartner began. “He is a paranoid, psychopathic, narcissist who is divorced from reality and lashes out impulsively at his imagined enemies. And this is someone, as you said, who is handling the nuclear codes.”

“I would argue to my colleagues that those who don’t speak out are being unethical,” he stated. “If we have some knowledge and understanding about the unique danger that Donald Trump presents through our psychiatric training and don’t say something about it, history is not going to judge us kindly.”

I saw this the other day and I thought it essentially confirms every fear that we have about Donald Trump.

If you combine the information provided by these mental health professionals to what we have learned in the previous posts down below and other information since the election, you cannot help but to be deeply troubled by this presidency.

Personally I try to keep a positive attitude and focus on all of the great protests and activism that I have witnessed since the inauguration. And that gives me real hope for the future.

However in the back of my mind is always the nagging question, will our responses be too little or too late to stop the potential devastation that seems to be looming before us?

All we can do is hope that is not the case, and keep right on working to stop ALL of his agenda items and blocking ALL of his appointees.


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