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Monday, 10 July 2017

Russian company celebrates their leader's dominance over America's commander-in-chief by selling an incredibly expensive case for a phone nobody uses anymore.

Courtesy of The Verge: 

A Russian phone-customization company debuted its latest creation this week: a new Nokia 3310 with embedded, gold-plated portraits of US president Donald Trump and Russian president Vladimir Putin on the back. The phone is meant to commemorate the two world leaders meeting at the G-20 Summit in Hamburg. 

The middle button on the device features the G-20 Summit logo, while the phone body is made of tempered titanium. The data and location of the summit is also emblazoned across the back. This device is real and costs 149,000 rubles, or $2,500. 

Caviar writes on its website that it purposely chose to display the presidents’ side profiles. They’re looking in the same direction, too, to symbolize “the common desire for progress in US-Russian relations.” Such harmonious phone vibes.

Let's get real, they're facing the same way because Putin has Trump by the pussy and he is making him face the same way. 

This story took me by complete surprise, as I did not even know that Nokia was still in business.

Who in the hell has a Nokia phone nowadays?

And if you are too broke to afford an I-Phone than how in the hell does this company expect you to be able to afford a $2,500 case?

This product is just like the Trump presidency, stuck in the past, completely impractical for our purposes, and too expensive for the consumers.


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