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Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Now confirmed that Sarah Palin will definitely NOT be the ambassador to Canada.

Courtesy of the Globe and Mail: 

The White House has assured Canada that former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin will not be appointed as U.S. ambassador to Canada. 

A Trudeau government official says that assurance was provided to Canadian officials during Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s visit to the White House on Monday. 

“It isn’t Sarah Palin,” the official said. 

American officials have not yet made a decision on an ambassador but were leaning to appointing someone who raised money for the Trump campaign.

I swear that it must be Sarah Palin who floats these rumors as an attempt to stay relevant since her Cheeto stained boyfriend unceremoniously dumped her in a gutter.

And then time after time when they don't pan out she just looks more and more pathetic.

Certainly had some of the Canadians a little worried though.

As one of the few people who actually had to suffer under Sarah Palin's leadership I cannot say that I blame our neighbors to the East.

However I have every confidence that WHOEVER Donald Trump inflicts upon Canada they will be able to handle just fine.

Just get a load of how easily their Prime Minister dealt with Trump's attempt to dominate their handshake.
Damn! Trudeau was not playing.

He looked like he was ready to body slam Trump if he tried any of his pussy grabbing tactics on him.

Here is how Trump typically uses handshakes to dominate others.

But fucking Trudeau was having none of it.

Smart man. Way too smart to ever allow Sarah Palin to take up residence in his country.


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