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Friday, 16 September 2016

Trump supporter firebombs a mosque. And so the hatred begins to spread.

Courtesy of Heavy:  

A Facebook page that appears to be Schreiber’s shared a Republican National Committee photo on Trump/Pence that bears the slogan “The team that will make America great again!” He wrote that he was single, is a student, lives in Florida, and was from New York. His Facebook page also contains Jewish symbology. 

He also shared news of a Central Park explosion that was not deemed terrorism related, about Saudi Arabian links to 9/11, and an article headlined, “Only a demented fool believes Islam is not a problem.” Schreiber’s Facebook page also contains rhetoric against President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. 

On July 12, a post on the page reads, “IF AMERICA truly wants peace and safety and pursuit of happiness they should consider all forms of ISLAM as radical, the truth is that there is no such a thing as radical ISLAMIC extremism…ALL ISLAM IS RADICAL, and should be considered TERRORIST AND CRIMANALS and all hoo participate in such activity should be found guilty of WAR CRIM until law and order is restored in this beautiful free country, all who agree with this statement, like it and make a comment.”

Just another preview of Donald Trump's America.

A place that I imagine the majority of us would never want to live.

So make damn sure that you vote.


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