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Friday, 3 February 2017

More than half of Americans wish that Barack Obama were still our President.

Facts are fake news folks. Never believe the facts.
Courtesy of PPP: 

Less than 2 weeks into Donald Trump's tenure as President, 40% of voters already want to impeach him. That's up from 35% of voters who wanted to impeach him a week ago. Only 48% of voters say that they would be opposed to Trump's impeachment. 

Beyond a significant percentage of voters already thinking that Trump should be removed from office, it hasn't taken long for voters to miss the good old days of Barack Obama...52% say they'd rather Obama was President, to only 43% who are glad Trump is.

According to the polling site Americans think that just about everything Trump is doing is wrong.

On the Muslim ban:  

52% of voters think that the order was intended to be a Muslim ban, to only 41% who don't think that was the intent. And the idea of a Muslim ban is extremely unpopular with the American people- only 26% are in favor of it, to 65% who are against it.

On Steve Bannon:  

Only 19% of voters see Bannon favorably, to 40% who have a negative opinion of him. Only 34% of voters approve of his being given a seat on the principals committee of the National Security Council, to 44% who are opposed to that. What's particularly telling is that only 19% of voters think Bannon belongs in that seat on the National Security Council more than the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Director of National Intelligence, to 59% who believe those folks are more deserving of that place at the table. Even Trump voters think he's gone too far on that front- by a 40/35 margin they think the more traditional members should have that position rather than Bannon.

On Obamacare:  

Obamacare continues to become more popular the more talk there is about repealing it. 46% of voters now say they support it to just 41% who are opposed. And only 33% of voters think the best course of action is for Congress to repeal the Affordable Care Act and start over, to 62% who think it would be better to keep it and fix the parts that need fixing.

As for his trustworthiness Trump loses against just about everybody:

-By a 51/37 spread voters say John McCain has more credibility than Trump. 

-By a 52/41 spread voters say the Washington Post has more credibility than Trump. 

-By a 51/42 spread voters say the New York Times has more credibility than Trump. 

-By a 50/42 spread voters say CNN has more credibility than Trump.

Once again I am struck by how many Americans are still supporting Trump and his policies kind of like that last slow kid in PE who always gets hit in the face by the ball because his reflexes never kick in fast enough to save him. 

For some people it takes getting hit a number of times before they get the hint.

While others are always going to be running around with tape holding their glasses together.

Of course the best thing about these numbers is that you know they will really burn Trump's ass.


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