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Saturday, 11 June 2016

No Bernie Bros, Sanders did not actually win California.

So if you got anywhere near Reddit early this week, or really most anyplace on social media, you probably stumbled across a link claiming that there were millions of uncounted ballots in California and that, either we still did not know who won California for sure, or they had been counted and we now "knew" that Bernie Sanders won the state and the corrupt corporate media stole this final victory from his campaign.

Many of these websites also claimed that there were reports of voter fraud being reported in real time during the primary but that seemed mostly due to some faulty machines, some disorganized polling places, and of course poorly prepared Sanders supporters.

Even before the uncounted ballots were counted Politifact gave the reporting that Sanders would win California a "Pants on Fire" rating.

Well now those uncounted ballots have been counted, and as expected it changed nothing.
By the way I have every confidence that supporters of Bernie Sanders will continue to cry foul and refuse to accept that this election was not stolen from him.

Which is really sad because the Sanders' campaign actively fed into this conspiratorial thinking and may actually have helped to disenfranchise thousands of young voters who may take decades to ever trust the system enough to participate again.


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