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Sunday, 15 January 2017

Trump's Twitter Tantrum for Today. Wants intelligence chiefs and media to apologize to him for revealing that he is Putin's puppet.

This is in response to Woodward's appearance on Fox News today when he said this:
You know I think most of us have great affection in our hearts for Bob Woodward based on his work on Watergate.

But these days he seems more and more to be drifting away from his journalistic roots and closer and closer to the kind of conservatism that I think would horrify his younger self.

And the fact that he voiced these comments on Fox News is not lost on me either.

No, if the intelligence chiefs owe ANYBODY an apology it is the American people for not doing more to let them know that Donald Trump was Putin's bitch well before the election.

If they had done that perhaps we would not now be facing the inauguration of a thin skinned man child, whose arrogance and impulsivity threatens our national security and the future of our country.

Speaking of thin skinned impulsivity, Trump also just tweeted this:
That's right folks. Your future president is allowing himself to be trolled by a late night comedy show.

As for Bob Woodward perhaps he should take a look at this before he decides that the intelligence agencies are being unfair to Donald Trump.
And this is only what we know so far.

I have a feeling it is only the tip of the iceberg. 


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