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Thursday, 26 January 2017

SarahPAC is no more!

After almost eight years of existence the Palin family slush fund is no more.

Here is the termination report on which you can see that the PAC started with $99,052.01 and spent $100,775.65. Their ending balance is a big fat zero.

Well I promised we would hound Sarah Palin until the bitter end, and this feels pretty bitter end like.

The family actually made loads of money so you would expect that they would be fine for years to come, but knowing how they spend money hand over fist, I  seriously doubt they have that much left in the ole piggy bank.

So far they have sold that giant RV they used to travel across the country lying about possibly running for office, the house in Arizona, and Bristol's house. Which leaves the plane, the snow machines, various gas guzzling vehicles, the cabin, and the Fox News studio as possible assets to liquidate.

Todd and Dakota are signed up to run the Iron Dog together, so there must still be a sponsor or two lurking around, but I don't know if there are many other sources of revenue coming in with SarahPAC now shut down and Sarah's judge show idea getting the axe.

And with Track's legal bills, and Palin having to essentially support the entire family,  I don't think she can keep up the facade for much longer.

I guess that now explains this new crappy website of hers, and why her daughter is desperately hawking tea on Instagram.

This actually gives a little more credibility to that Blind Item post from yesterday, because it really does seem that Palin went all in for Trump, who she clearly thought would provide for her in return, and he essentially left her high and dry.

You know this is the kind of thing that might force certain family members to do something desperate.

You know, like get a job.


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