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Sunday, 1 January 2017

Petty Putin puppet throws author off golf course for writing that he raped his wife.

Courtesy of Politico:  

A Koch associate told POLITICO that when Hurt returned from his exchange with Trump, he offered to take an Uber home and allow the rest of the foursome to continue playing without him. 

“And David said, ‘No, we came as a foursome and we'll leave as a foursome,’” said the Koch associate, who was briefed on the incident.

What happened after that exchange is slightly different depending on who is telling the story.

According to a member of Trump's transition team security tapped Hurt on the shoulder and asked him to leave after he returned to his foursome.

However a member of that foursome said that there was no interaction with security at all.

Either way it just makes Trump look petty. 

Awfully thin skinned for a rapist, don't you think?


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