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Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Civil Rights Museum turns Donald Trump away. Essentially because he is a belligerent rude asshole.

Courtesy of WFMY: 

The International Civil Rights Center and Museum was contacted by the Donald Trump campaign last weekend. Earl Jones, co-founder of the museum, says the campaign demanded certain things to make a visit by the GOP nominee possible. 

Jones says Trump's people were trying to plan a visit for Tuesday, the same day he spoke at High Point University. "We did not honor the request of the Donald Trump team because we thought they demonstrated, in their approach was disrespectful, so therefore we did not grant that request," said Jones. 

Jones says the Trump campaign was aggressive and rude to museum staff in making their request. 

He says Trump's people wanted the museum to be closed for at least 5 hours to accommodate Trump. 

Jones says the museum does not provide special treatment to anyone and says that is the main reason they denied the request. 

He said he also didn't feel like the request was sincere. 

"The approach, the type of disrespect, pretty much a demand and bullying us to use the museum in their manner and their way in their time, it was inappropriate and I think it's probably reflective of the type of insensitivity of civil rights and human rights that's reflective from Trump over the years," said Jones.

Oh damn! I think Mr. Earl Jones has Donald Trump's number.

Of course Trump's campaign thought they could bully their way into the museum, they're white!

And Mr. Jones is also right that Trump was not being sincere.

He was almost certainly doing it as some clumsy way to offset President Obama opening the Black History Museum in Washington, D.C..

Such an arrogant ass.

Hey, but here is a lighthearted moment featuring that arrogant ass attempting to play beach volleyball.

According to the source this was back sometime before 1999.

Gee what an athlete.

Good thing he has money to convince women to look at him naked. 

And yet it is still not enough to get him into the International Civil Rights Center and Museum.

Go figure.


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