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Monday, 2 January 2017

Let's take a trip on the wayback machine and remember when Sarah Palin aggressively criticized President Obama for being soft on Russia.

Here is some of what I transposed back in 2014 from this interview:

"Well anyone who carries the common sense gene would know that Putin does not change his stripes. (Because he is a tiger.) He harkens back to the era of the czars, and he wants that Russian empire to grow again. He wants to exert huge power and dominance, so he has to get to those border areas, and he has to capture them.

Obviously I added that line about the tiger stripes, but the rest is pure unfiltered Palin crazy juice.

Of course Palin's response to Putin's aggression was for America to drill more oil, because you know she's essentially a one trick pony.

Here was her opinion of our President at the time:

"Well yes, especially under the Commander-in-Chief that we have today, because Obama's...the perception of him, and his potency...across the world is one of such weakness, you know and I...lookit people are looking at Putin as one who wrestles bears and drills for oil. They look at our President as one who wears mom jeans and equivocates and bloviates."

Oh and there's more.

"We are not exercising that peace through strength that can only be brought to you courtesy of the red, white, and blue. That only a strengthened United States military can do."

So at that time Palin was all for using America's military strength to push Putin back onto his side of the border, and she criticized President Obama for seeking a less confrontational, and potentially deadly, response.

So one has to wonder, since she was so dismissive of Obama's perceived weakness while dealing with Russia, what she thinks the appropriate response would be to their interference in our democracy?

After all she cannot possibly respect a president elect who congratulates Putin for his strategy in response to sanctions leveled at him for that interference by the United States government.

And now that we know that Putin not only hacked into the computers at various government and non-government agencies, but that he did so to help Donald Trump win the election, she cannot possibly, in all good faith, continue to support him.


I mean if that is the case it would mean that Sarah Palin is nothing more than an opportunist whose opinion shifts with the political winds and who is primarily influenced by partisanship without any ethical basis to keep her grounded at all.



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