Courtesy of Mediaite:
During an interview with POLITICO’s Glenn Thrush, NBC’s Chuck Todd pondered some of the more striking observations he has made about Donald Trump after covering the mogul as much as he has.
The wide-range interview covered a variety of topics, but when the president-elect came up, Todd said there were a few ticks he noticed about Trump where “[It] drives me crazy.” According to Todd, Trump is so concerned about his visual image that he will frequently watch clips of himself with the sound off.
Todd quoted a source close to Trump who said that whenever the mogul finishes an interview, he’ll ask about how he looked, but not as much about how he sounded or what he said.
“The amount of time he spends after the interview is over with the sound off — he wants to see what it all looked like. He will watch the whole thing on mute,” said Todd. “He’s a very, visual guy. He thinks this way, and look, it’s an important insight in just understanding him. The visual stuff is very real beyond just himself.”
Hey look, there is something that I have in common with Donald Trump.
I also turn off the sound when I see him on TV.
Maybe he hates the sound of his voice as much as I do.
The article suggests that the reason might be based on advice that Roger Ailes gave him as he used to also watch potential hosts give interviews with the sound off. Probably so he could imagine them saying things like "Oh Roger it's so big," or " I find a man with six chins and the body of Jabba the Hut to be such a turn on."
Personally I think it is because Trump is more concerned about the camera capturing an unflattering image of him, like this one:
Or this one:
Or this one:
Than he is that he might say something stupid.
Which of course explains every interview and tweet he has ever sent.
During an interview with POLITICO’s Glenn Thrush, NBC’s Chuck Todd pondered some of the more striking observations he has made about Donald Trump after covering the mogul as much as he has.
The wide-range interview covered a variety of topics, but when the president-elect came up, Todd said there were a few ticks he noticed about Trump where “[It] drives me crazy.” According to Todd, Trump is so concerned about his visual image that he will frequently watch clips of himself with the sound off.
Todd quoted a source close to Trump who said that whenever the mogul finishes an interview, he’ll ask about how he looked, but not as much about how he sounded or what he said.
“The amount of time he spends after the interview is over with the sound off — he wants to see what it all looked like. He will watch the whole thing on mute,” said Todd. “He’s a very, visual guy. He thinks this way, and look, it’s an important insight in just understanding him. The visual stuff is very real beyond just himself.”
Hey look, there is something that I have in common with Donald Trump.
I also turn off the sound when I see him on TV.
Maybe he hates the sound of his voice as much as I do.
The article suggests that the reason might be based on advice that Roger Ailes gave him as he used to also watch potential hosts give interviews with the sound off. Probably so he could imagine them saying things like "Oh Roger it's so big," or " I find a man with six chins and the body of Jabba the Hut to be such a turn on."
Personally I think it is because Trump is more concerned about the camera capturing an unflattering image of him, like this one:
Or this one:
Or this one:
Than he is that he might say something stupid.
Which of course explains every interview and tweet he has ever sent.