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Wednesday, 24 February 2016

It looks like the good news about Levi Johnston's custody situation has caught fire.

So I shared with you Levi's Facebook post yesterday about the end of his struggle with Bristol Palin over child custody.

I think I might have been the first one to do so in fact, but since then it has been picked up by quite a number of news outlets.

Such as Radar Online: 

Levi Johnston is speaking out about his bitter custody fight over Tripp, his 7-year-old son with his ex, Bristol Palin.

E online:  

Levi Johnston's perseverance paid off. 

Bristol Palin's former fiancé took to Facebook Tuesday to announce that they have finally reached a custody agreement over their son, Tripp Johnston, now 7. In 2009, Levi announced that he was going to sue his high school sweetheart for joint custody of Tripp after alleging that the entire Palin family was making it difficult for him to see his son. The exes reached a child custody stipulation in 2010, allowing Levi to see Tripp on Saturdays between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., and Wednesdays from 12:00 p.m. to 6 p.m. The court never approved Levi and Bristol's agreement, however, so it never became finalized. The case was dismissed in 2012 for lack of activity. Then, in 2013, Levi filed a petition in which he sought at least equal custody of Tripp.

US Magazine:

It took seven years and over $100,000, but according to Bristol Palin's ex Levi Johnston, it was worth everything to get joint custody of their son, Tripp. 

Palin's former fiancé took to Facebook on Tuesday, February 23, to give his side of the long and expensive custody battle he's faced in order to legally establish his right to coparent his son.

People Magazine:  

Looks like a win for Levi Johnston. 

The ex-fiancé of Bristol Palin and father of her oldest child, son Tripp, took to Facebook on Tuesday, outlining, in his own words, the end of his ongoing custody battle with the Alaska native. 

Hollywood Life: 

Look who is shocking everyone, Levi Johnston — and for good reason! Bristol Palin’s ex-fiancé has stepped up big time as a father and he wants us all to know. The Alaskan native announced on Facebook that it took seven years and $100,000, but he officially got joint custody of their son, Tripp.

And the Daily Mail:  

Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston have finally settled their child custody dispute over son Tripp seven years after the young boy was born.

Is anybody else picking up a kind of gleeful vibe from some of these news stories, as if the authors kind of enjoy watching the Palins taking one on the chin?

Personally I am happy to report that Levi's post is still up on his Facebook page.

I think we can say with some confidence that the Palins cannot be too happy that he put it up, and I imagine there have been some aggressive attempts to get him to take it down.

But unlike the last time, when it was removed in less than two hours, it appears that Levi is tired of their shit and is leaving this one up.

Good for him.


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