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Thursday, 29 December 2016

46% of Trump voters believe that Hillary Clinton is involved in a child sex ring.

Courtesy of New York Daily News:  

Nearly half of all Donald Trump voters believe a widely debunked conspiracy theory claiming that Hillary Clinton is involved in a child sex ring run out of a popular Washington, D.C. pizzeria, a recent poll suggests. 

The Economist/YouGov poll released Tuesday shows that a staggering 46% of Trump voters believe the so-called “Pizzagate” conspiracy, which began circulating on obscure sites like 4chan and Reddit ahead of Election Day before spurring controversy on Twitter and Facebook.

Now remember this whole thing was based on internet cyber sleuths taking a bunch of things out of context from those Podesta e-mails, and creating a completely ridiculous conspiracy theory that apparently fooled a number of people into believing that the DNC was literally running a child sex shop out of a DC pizzeria.

Interestingly enough a full 80% of Trump voters however REFUSE to believe that the intelligence communities assertion that Russia meddled in our election process is accurate.

Well that is certainly telling now isn't it?

By the way one of the main disseminators of that Pizzagate conspiracy theory was Alex Jones, who now also suggests that Carry Fisher was killed in order to improve her book sales, just like he believes that Joan Rivers was killed for outing Michelle Obama as a transsexual.

This is who the Trump supporters go to for their "facts."


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