Hey boys, remember me? |
However it is only good blogging etiquette to provide links to posts that I borrow from for a post of my own, so I WILL provide links. However you should know that the Surgeon General has determined that clicking them can lead to high blood pressure, a loss of feeling in your nether regions, and possible brain damage.
First Palin defends Stephen Bannon:
“Look at Steve Bannon, what he’s going through. The irony of Steve Bannon going through this hell with the politics of personal destruction that the Clinton machine supporters are throwing his way is, he recognized that in ‘08 what I was going through, and he made a movie about it,” Palin said referring to Bannon’s documentary The Undefeated, which chronicles Palin’s political career from a corruption busting Alaska mayor and governor to her vice presidential campaign as John McCain’s running mate to her leadership in the Tea Party movement.
“People need to watch that, The Undefeated, because it wasn’t about – I mean, I’m the principal in the movie – but in that documentary it’s not about me. It’s about anybody who would face this injustice of the media, and the politics of personal destruction, and how you can use that actually as fuel,” Palin said.
“When they throw that stuff at you – the lies and the exaggerations and ruining your reputation and your record – you know, it’s kind of hard to find out where do you go to get back your reputation, after they do what they do to people they don’t like. You have to personally use it as fuel to empower you, and to strengthen you, and to really allow it to be confirmation that you’re right, because look at what it is that they represent,” Palin explained. “They represent that intolerance. They represent very, very narrow-minded thinking. They don’t want to enlarge any kind of tent. It’s either their way or the highway.”
I'm sorry I confused "defend Stephen Bannon" with "promote that crappy movie he made about me."
My bad.
By the way the only person guilty of "ruining" Sarah Palin's reputation, is Sarah Palin.
Most of what I wrote here, were things that she actually said, and what I wrote about her and her family was backed up by text messages, interviews, or tidbits of information from friends and family who shared them at some risk to themselves.
Next up Palin claims that she's a feminist, while also attacking the first female presidential candidate from a major party:
She added the observation that Hillary Clinton “stood by a cheating man” to the critique of Clinton’s position at the head of politicized feminism.
“I’d have none of that,” Palin declared firmly.
“What they have created, unfortunately, is this message to little girls, young women, that they need Big Daddy Government to provide for them, that they’re incapable of providing for themselves, being independent, and pulling themselves up from the bootstraps and making it,” she continued. “That’s so unfortunate, and it’s the antithesis, really, of feminism and understanding equal rights. It’s just such a ruse.”
“And yeah, Hillary’s been a part of that, so those who want government to pay for their cell phone, and their birth control, and their housing, and everything else – and particularly they push so hard for women to receive a lot of gimmes, even though if they’re able-bodied they can get out there and work for it like the rest of us do. They’re sending that message that I’m afraid would make young women feel like, ‘Oh, well if our leaders are saying that, I am just a little girl here who can’t make it on my own. I guess I need Big Daddy Government.’ So that’s unfortunate,” she said.
I guess fighting for equal pay for women, help with child care to help them remain in the workforce, and choosing the first female candidate to run for president, is the Democrats treating women like "little girls."
The truth is that if it had not been for the hard work of Democrats, and of course the Women's Movement, Sarah Palin would NEVER have had the opportunity to set their work back decades after being chosen as John McCain's running mate.
She owes them everything, and of course is too ignorant to understand that.
Next Palin complains that the churches did not come to her defense back in 2008 the way they are this time for Donald Trump:
“I was very grateful to see that the church stepped up, because eight years ago, I felt that they didn’t. Besides the attacks on my family and supporters, the most hurtful thing about the election, the vilification, the marginalization, the ridicule that hit us – my family and me, eight years ago – was that I didn’t feel that the church did circle the wagons and step up boldly and say, ‘What? No, that’s not what she’s saying,’ or ‘That’s not what she represents.’ Because some of them knew me.”
“A lot of these famous pastors, and people all over the country, right after the election were sending me their secret confidential little love notes about, ‘Oh, you know, my heart was with ya, and you know if there’s ever anything I can do for you, just let me know, because I believe in you, and I believed in you during the election, I’m so sorry what you went through.’ And would sit there reading this stuff, saying, ‘Well, where were you? Why didn’t you step up? You’re going to have to step up next time, or that next person is going to go down too,” she remembered sadly.
Well of course they are coming out more to defend Donald Trump than they did Sarah Palin when she ran. After all he's man, and back in 2008 half of the church members could not figure out why Palin was not back in her kitchen where she belonged.
Let's face it if the Christian church REALLY had it way women would not only not be able to run for office, they would also not be able to vote, own land, or petition for a divorce if their husbands beat them.
All of those opportunities came from those feminists that Sarah Palin ridicules, and NOT from the God that she claims to pray to every day.
You know I think I might be partially responsible for his ranting on Breitbart.
After all it was just the other day that I mocked the fact that she was writing for some below the radar outfit like the Young Conservatives, instead the newly minted official news outlet of the president-elect, and low and behold here she is in three, count them three, new articles.
Or maybe if had nothing to do with me. Yeah probably not, just a coincidence.
Of course getting on Breitbart should not be that big of a deal for somebody with Palin's connections to that Nazi news outlet.
However you know what Palin will NEVER do? She will never appear on an MSNBC show.
Because you know what? THAT would take the kind of guts, and "still" spine, that she simply does not have.
Yep, I feel pretty confident in saying that alright.
Source http://ift.tt/2fCZveu