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Sunday, 13 August 2017

Barack Obama is returning to politics this fall but does not want to be "a foil" to Donald Trump. WTF?

Courtesy of The Hill: 

Former President Barack Obama will re-emerge on the national scene this fall, though Democrats expect him to do so with caution. 

One aide describes the beginning of a “delicate dance” that aims to put Obama in the Democratic fray but prevents him from remaining the face of the party. 

Aides will huddle with Obama in the coming weeks to plot out what shape the former president's fall schedule will take. Advisers close to him say that while he will play an active role in helping his party rebuild, much of his work will be behind the scenes. 

He is likely to take on fundraising, for example, something he has done for the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the National Democratic Redistricting Committee since leaving office. In recent months, Obama has played a larger behind-the-scenes role than was publicly known. 

The Hill reported in July that he met with DNC Chairman Tom Perez as well as lawmakers at his office to give his guidance on a number of issues. 

But advisers to the former president acknowledge he also doesn’t want to be “a foil” — as one top ally put it — for President Trump and the Republican leadership.

Well this is some bullshit right here.

Look I know that President Obama firmly believes in following the rules, but he has to understand that there ARE no rules anymore.

Yes it is considered poor form to criticize your successor, but typically your successor does not focus his entire presidency on undoing everything you accomplished during your terms in office.

Right now the Democrats do not have a strong leader to rally behind. They need Barack Obama to take back his place as the head of the party, and then perhaps help find and introduce the person who will then lead the party forward to victory. (I'm sorry, victories.)

Besides that Trump is tearing down everything that Obama spent eight years building, and if he does not stand up to protect it his legacy may be completely stripped away from him.


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