This tweet is referring to this article about Ryan's plan to replace Obamacare with a GOP approved plan:GOP withheld $2.5B for high risk pools from Obamacare coops, forcing premiums to rise before election, suddenly find $25B after Trump win!— Adam Khan (@Khanoisseur) November 14, 2016
Obamacare’s mandates are meant to drive broad participation in the insurance market, so the premiums paid by a broad number of relatively healthy subscribers essentially subsidize care for the sickest. Without the mandates, many healthy Americans won’t buy insurance, forcing insurance companies to either deny coverage to sick customers or hike premiums to unsustainable levels. The GOP plan would solve that problem by establishing state-based “high-risk pools” for the sickest and directing $25 billion in federal support to them over 10 years.
So perhaps at this point you are wondering just where this 25 billion was supposed to come from, and journalists wondered that as well and asked Paul Ryan who replied with:
“You really want me to give you a technical answer.”
Actually yeah, we do.
Especially since the Republicans had withheld funding that Obamacare desperately needed.
This led one New Century Times contributor to write this:
Here’s the most infuriating part. Paul Ryan wants $25 billion for these godawful high-risk insurance pools. Yet, remember, he purposefully kept $2.5 billion from Obamacare while finding money for defense, etc.
Basically saying, we have the money, and I want it for what I want, but I didn’t want it for the people of the nation when they needed it most because it didn’t serve in the best interests of me and my party in an election year.
He knows that if Obamacare is seen as a success, the GOP looks like losers. He literally tried to sabotage Obamacare to help the Republican party and Donald Trump win. Because then Trump had a basket full of excuses to hate the health law while campaigning and could point out rising costs.
Paul Ryan and Republicans need to be held accountable for this purposeful deception. The money is there. He just didn’t want Obama to have it.
And remember, Paul Ryan is supposed to be a reasonable Republican.