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Tuesday, 8 November 2016

President Obama's second term approval ratings now higher than Ronald Reagan's second term approval ratings. Take that GOP!

Courtesy of WaPo:'s Charles Franklin was a little ahead of the curve Sunday morning when he pointed out that President Obama's approval rating right now is among the highest Election-Day approval ratings in recent history.

Why is that ahead of the curve? Because on Monday, fewer than 24 hours before polls open across the United States, Gallup reported that Obama's daily approval rating had hit 56 percent. That's a figure that he'd been around at the end of October, but had otherwise only hit or exceeded on seven days since August 2009. 

Franklin tracked recent survey results by party to evaluate Obama's approval, finding that, at 52.1 percent on average, he's viewed more positively now than Ronald Reagan was at the end of his second term, but not as positively as was Bill Clinton at the end of his.

That's right President Obama, the man that Donald Trump claims is THE worst President ever, is polling at a whopping 56%. And that puts him just barely behind our LAST Democratic President, Bill Clinton.

Remember THIS is the administration that Donald Trump wants to save us from seeing go to a "third term," this is the swamp he wants to "drain." and this is the wrong direction that he wants to steer this country away from.

In short Donald Trump wants to toss us a lifeline and drag us from our comforting, relaxing, soothing bubble bath.

Which brings me to one of my many pet peeves.

During this campaign season I have seen a parade of half witted Trump surrogates saying that the people do not trust the government, and that the government is broken, and that Americans want to "take back this country," and it seems that NOT ONE of the journalists interviewing them ever takes the time to correct that BS.

Yes it is true that many Americans believe that the government is "broken."

But they are NOT talking about the Executive branch of government, they are talking about the Legislative branch of government.

In other words they are talking about the Senate and the House of Representatives, both of which have essentially ground to a halt. (They cannot even do something simple like confirm a Supreme Court nominee.)

And which party has the majority in both of those places?

That's right, the Republicans.

So essentially the Republican presidential campaign has been running on the promise to fix the branch of government THEIR party broke, by replacing the person in charge of the branch of government that is actually working well.

How in the fuck does that work?

No if the voters really want to "fix" the government, "drain" the swamp, and "take back" their country they want to vote every one of those obstructionist GOP assholes out of office and replace them with idealistic, hopeful Democrats who know how government is supposed to work and will make sure that it does.

And THAT should have been the central message of the Hillary Clinton campaign in my opinion.

"Government is only broken when you don't know how to make it work. Vote for Hillary Clinton and a Democratic Senate and House, and we will show you how to get it running like a clock."

Do you think that is too long for a bumper sticker?


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