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Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Election Night Open Thread.Election Night Open Thread. (Alternate title, "Oh please let the country still be here tomorrow!")

So I decided to open this up a little earlier than my previous open threads because some of the polls have already closed and a whole lot more of them will be closing pretty soon so we might actually have a fair idea as to how this is going early tonight.


This thing could go into the wee hours of the night and into the morning and we could all end up going to sleep with our heart rate through the roof and our fists full of our own hair.

Hopefully that last possibility will not be the case.

So far as of this post Trump has won Indiana with 11 electoral votes, and Kentucky with 8, giving him 19 so far tonight.

Hillary has won Vermont which has 3 electoral votes.

According to most pollsters this should be Hillary's night, and the Princeton Election Consortium is even more optimistic with a projection of 323 electoral votes for Clinton, and a 51 seat majority in the Senate, while a Daily Kos statistician predicts 347 electoral votes for Hillary Clinton tonight.

I want to believe.

I actually went out this morning and purchased enough wine to put myself into an alcoholic stupor if things start to go badly for our side. But unfortunately I have work tomorrow so my stupor has an expiration date.

I will post results as they come in and update the blog as new information becomes available.

As always my Twitter account can be found here though I make no promises that it will make a whole lot of sense as the night wears on.

Update: So West Virginia's 5 electoral votes have been added to Trump's total, giving him 24 so far tonight.


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