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Friday, 15 April 2016

SarahPAC quarterly filing is out.

So according to the end of year filing SarahPAC took in $950,966 last year, spent $1,362,059, and ended the year with $380,963 on hand.

Now we have the first quarterly report of this year in which we learn that the PAC started with that $380,963.17, brought in an additional  $135,038.27, and spent $248,425.75, leaving only $267,575.69 cash on hand as of March 31, 2016.

Not exactly fiscally responsible are they?

As usual the bulk of the money went to various kinds of "consultants" including old favorites Grey Strategies, Northstar Strategies, and Timothy Crawford (The guy behind SarahPAC.)

All of that came to a whopping $99,375.

Postage and direct mail was another biggie.

Postage was $23,147 while Direct Mail was $33,273, with a combined total of $56,420. Give or take a few pennies.

It seemed that somebody at SarahPAC remembered at the last minute that they were supposed to be a political PAC so at the end of the month there were a bunch of donations to various candidates, with only one at the beginning of the month, all of which totaled a rather pathetic $24,000.

Carol Ryan and Marilyn Lane of Wasilla are also both apparently still on the payroll, so whatever "part time clerical" work they provide must still be worth something to Palin.

Though not that much because all told Carol Ryan only brought in $6,825 for the three months and Marilyn Lane about $6,686.

From appearances it is clear that SarahPAC is trying to trim the fact, but not nearly enough as each pay period they still spend substantially more than they bring in.

To say the PAC is drying up is an understatement, and it certainly helps to explain why Palin is kissing Donald Trump's ass so hard and shopping around a judge show that she is criminally under qualified to host.

In short, she is desperate.

And with her husband's medical bills, her son's legal fees, and her daughter fighting a court battle over custody of her newest tax write off, the desperation in the Palin household must now be all but overwhelming.


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