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Wednesday, 7 December 2016

"Bad candidate" Hillary Clinton is now less than 400,000 votes from President Obama's 2012 total. And may soon surpass it.

Courtesy of the Independent:  

Hillary Clinton has 2.7 million more votes than Donald Trump, despite losing the presidential election, and the number is expected to rise. 

Ms Clinton is on track to get more votes than president Barack Obama did in 2012. He won 65.9 million, and she is only about 400,000 votes behind him. 

The votes are being tallied by David Wasserman for the Cook Political Report. Votes are still streaming in from states like California, New York and Washington due to late counting of mail-in and absentee ballots.

Dave Wasserman also made this prediction.
So answer me this question.

How can you be slammed as being the wrong candidate at the wrong time, and accused of having lost voters that President Obama won, if you come up with almost as many or even more votes than he had?

Currently, according to the Cook Report, Hillary has 65,525,364, which gives her 2,675,035 more votes than Donald Trump, who has 62,850,329.

Which means that while she has almost as many votes as President Obama won in 2012, Trump has 3 million less votes.

And yet HE is the winner, and Hillary is the loser.

Something DEFINITELY needs to change.


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