Think of the millions & millions of dollars wasted by scientists attempting to research false belief of molecules to man evolution-sad waste— Ken Ham (@aigkenham) November 16, 2016
Yes let's just imagine how much spare time scientists would have on their hands if they just accepted the fact that "God did it."Imagine the benefit to humans if scientists had the right worldview for their research--that God created a perfect world now marred by sin— Ken Ham (@aigkenham) November 16, 2016
Does he mean like discovering how diseases evolve over time in order to invent better treatments to prevent them?The millions of dollars wasted on researching the lie of Evolution could be used to benefit the human population in so many ways--sad— Ken Ham (@aigkenham) November 16, 2016
Because if true I have some bad news for him.
You know you would think that a guy who built a park celebrating a Biblical bedtime story would have a firmer grasp of the word "religion."Millions of dollars are wasted on researching evolution--an anti-God false religion--what a shocking waste of money— Ken Ham (@aigkenham) November 16, 2016
Science ain't religion.
It is probably not fair to target Ken Ham after all this guy is a special kind of stupid, but for anybody who listens to his bullshit if might be helpful for them to learn that studying evolution has provided invaluable insights into how our bodies developed the means to overcome dietary restrictions and to fight diseases, and also how many diseases evolved to overcome those developing defenses.
In fact the study of evolution and biology has provided so much data that now we are seriously discussing the possibility of immortality.
Which I would assume is yet another reason that Ken Ham hates science.
After all without impending death it is kind of hard to scare small children into fearing Hell, now isn't it?