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Wednesday, 2 November 2016

370 economists come forward to urge Americans NOT to vote for Donald Trump.

C'mon who are you gonna believe, a bunch of experts or me?"
Courtesy of CNN Money: 

A letter signed by 370 economists, some whom have won the Nobel Prize in economics, urged voters not to vote for Trump. 

"His statements reveal a deep ignorance of economics and an inability to listen to credible experts," the letter reads. The Wall Street Journal first reported on the letter, which was signed almost entirely by college professors. 

The economists did not endorse Hillary Clinton, but recommended that would-be Trump voters "choose a different candidate." 

They argue that Trump has deeply misled Americans on trade, manufacturing, immigration and public institutions critical to the credibility of the economy, such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which keeps track of how many jobs the economy creates and publishes a widely-watched monthly report.

Many times on TV I see these Trump surrogates claiming that they want to talk about the issues instead of the newest greatest scandal (Unless it has to do with Hillary's e-mails of course.) and I always think "Yeah, let's talk about the issues."

Because there is NO way that the Trump campaign can argue the issues with Hillary Clinton.

Nor would they want to.

The entire Trump campaign is driven by feelings, not facts.

And those feelings are that the country has fundamentally changed in such a way as to shift power away from the white Christian men who have run the country since its founding, and handed it to women, minorities, and non-Christians.

THAT is what drives their passion, THAT is what keeps them up at night, and THAT is why this article will not mean diddly squat to them.

Anybody who believes they are are supporting Donald Trump because of his stand on the issues, is either lying to themselves, lying to others, or too brain damaged to tie their shoes without referring to the manual. (By the way if you just thought "Wait. there's a manual?" you know where you fall on this list.)


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