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Saturday, 22 October 2016

Students walk out, start arguing, after Texas professor informs them that they are all descended from Africa.

Courtesy of The Tab:  

Some Texas State University students in Dr. McGee’s Cultural Anthropology class left the lecture hall after he said in a lesson that all living people originated in Africa. As the exiting white students left the classroom, some remaining in class reportedly called after them, “Black Lives Matter.” 

The lecture started out with a message from the professor that the day’s class would be a lesson on race and it would be particularly interesting so everyone should listen, said Justine Lundy, 20. The professor began talking about the Black Lives Matter movement and how it had come about before stating that all living beings descended from east Africa. 

“It was dead silent,” Lundy said, before a student retorted with a “sarcastic ‘sure.'”

At that point, students began to leave the class. A few disagreeing students who didn’t leave the classroom in a huff stayed behind to argue with each other. 

“A lot of people left,” said class attendee Karene Taylor, 19. “It was embarrassing.”

Of course the professor is right, but you can understand the frustration of some the students.

After all it is so much harder to hate a group of people once you learn that you are all related. 

Besides how dare this professor not recognize what these students surely know to be the absolute and undeniable truth. Which is that the first people came from the Garden of Eden and that women are made out of an old rib that Adam was not really using anymore.

Pfft, and he calls himself a "professor."


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