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Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Democratic lawmaker to introduce the "Stable Genius Act" which would require presidential candidates to undergo a mental health examination.

Rep. Brendan Boyle
Courtesy of The Hill:

A Democratic lawmaker says that he will introduce legislation that would require presidential candidates to undergo a mental health examination following a tweet from President Trump in which he praised himself as a "stable genius." 

Rep. Brendan Boyle's office said in a press release that the Pennsylvania Democrat would introduce the "Stable Genius Act" in the House on Tuesday. 

The act would require all presidential candidates to file a Federal Election Commission (FEC) report "certifying that he or she has undergone medical examination by the medical office under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Navy." 

Boyle said in the statement that American voters have the right to know whether a candidate has the mental fortitude to withstand the pressures of the White House.

Man do I love this!

It just seems like a no brainer that every American would want to know that their president is not a psychopath.


And hopefully they can have the law in place before 2020. 


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