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Saturday, 29 October 2016

International election observers discover that American's elections ARE being "rigged." Just not in the way Donald Trump claims they are being rigged.

Courtesy of WhoWhatWhy:

The hundreds of international observers dispatched to keep an eye on the US election are already troubled by what they have seen. 

According to an interim report, the election monitors sent by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) have expressed deep concerns over the disenfranchisement of millions of US citizens. 

“Up to six million Americans will be excluded from the election,” said Michael Georg Link, the OSCE’s chief election observer, in an interview with the German Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. 

Link explained that an estimated 3.2 million Americans are being disenfranchised because they are either in custody and awaiting trial or have already been sentenced. An additional 2.6 million citizens have already served their time behind bars but were still stripped of their right to cast a ballot on November 8.

Hmm, I wonder which ethnic demographic this most negatively impacts and who that demographic would be most likely to vote for in this election?

But wait, there's more: 

The OSCE is also disturbed that so many Americans fear that the election would be rigged. Link explained that the international observers had so far seen no evidence that this is happening. Instead, he suggested that the accusations Democrats and Republicans had exchanged are rooted in the viciousness of this election cycle.

So to be clear this group of trained election observers, from around the world, are finding NO evidence of any election rigging, but they are finding evidence that certain groups are purposefully disenfranchised due to brushes with the law, which of course impacts minorities in far larger numbers than it does white people in this country.

I think that the only issue I would take with his article is the contention that BOTH Republicans and Democrats are adding to the fear of election rigging which might scare voters away from the polls this election cycle.

It seems pretty obvious that only ONE major party candidate is making those accusations, and it is also pretty clear as to why he is doing so.


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