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Tuesday, 4 October 2016

Gary Johnson believes that presidential candidates being well informed is a bad thing because knowing "a foreign leader or geographical location" means putting our military in "harm's way." Wait, what?

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

“Talking about a foreign leader I respect, I have a hard time with that one,” Johnson told MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell. “That’s just who I am. And now I’m going to have to pick out a world leader and there’s going to be something wrong with them. And now I’m going to have to defend them! Well, maybe I think too much.” 

“You are running to be commander-in-chief,” Mitchell reminded the candidate. 

“Yeah, and you know what?” Johnson trumpeted back. “The fact that somebody can dot the i’s and cross the t’s on a foreign leader or a geographic location then allows them to put our military in harm’s way!”

You ever get a headache so bad that it hurts to blink your eyes?

Yeah well this gave me one.

First off the President of the United States does not have the luxury of not knowing things about the world around him. After all he is kind of forced to make some incredibly important decisions which can often affect not just America but every other country as well.

Second, knowing about where these countries are, and who is leading them, does NOT mean that we are then somehow obligated to drop bombs on them and send our troops to die on their soil.

In fact knowing more about them, and understanding their culture and history, can often help to avoid conflict or intervention.

You know in some ways I am in total agreement with Gary Johnson when it comes to keeping our soldiers from fighting in unnecessary wars.

You bet, high fives all around on that one.

However then I also am reminded that the reason that we got into these last two unnecessary wars in the first place was because we had a President in office who was woefully ill informed about the countries that he arrogantly thought he could invade and conquer with few negative repercussions for our military.

He was wrong.

So sorry Mr. Johnson, I would rather have a President who knows a lot, and would recognize the appropriate time for military intervention, than to have a President who knows little, and could very well leave us vulnerable to attack.

I am not a hawk, but I am also not an idiot.

Sadly the same cannot be said for Gary Johnson.


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