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Sunday, 23 October 2016

Donald Trump threatens to sue his female accusers.

Courtesy of Mediaite: 

In the midst of another anti-media rant today, Donald Trump declared that he would be suing every single woman who’s accused him of groping and sexual assault once the election’s over.

Trump declared that all of these women lied about him and said, “All of these liars will be sued after the election is over.”

This is essentially Trump's standard threat when anybody starts telling truths about him, however I doubt very seriously that even Donald Trump is this stupid.

If he were to attempt to sue these women there would be even more attention paid to their stories and ultimately more details that he does not want to see the light of day would be revealed.

Not only that but I think everybody knows that there are many more women out there who would then start coming forward to tell their stories.

Of course to be fair that is already happening:
Assaulting a porn star?

Demonstrating an addictive personality? 

Constantly saying you are winning when you are losing?

I think it's official, Donald Trump is now channeling Charlie Sheen. 


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