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Friday, 9 September 2016

Somehow I think feminists will get over it.

Here is the column that this tweet refers to.

Get a load of this:

If you look for a reason to hate men, chances are you’re going to find it. 

The truth is, I don’t blame women, (especially in my generation) for hating men. They’ve been told there’s a wage gap (I disagree). That there’s a culture of rape on college campuses (I also disagree). And the patriarchy is keeping them oppressed in almost every facet of their lives (I really, really disagree.)

So first this guy refutes any evidence which supports a woman's feelings about gender inequality, and then demonstrates his ignorance about women, relationships. and even love.

People who are more loyal to their gender and not their significant other don’t make good partners. They will always look at you as inherently more fortunate than them. They’ve bought into the “battle of the sexes” mentality and it often pervades their perceptions of romance. Romance turns into a power struggle rather than a partnership.

I don't even know what it means to be more loyal to ones gender than to their loved one.

That sounds like a made up circumstance from a guy who does not get a lot of female attention.

I don't believe romance is often a power struggle, though relationships certainly  can be.

And that can happen in ALL relationships, not just those involving members of the opposite sex.

It’s a shame, really, that this divide is widening between the sexes. It’s evident that gender politics is hurting our culture. More marriages are failing and women are reporting that they’re unhappier now than ever. Perhaps in several decades this won’t be the case. 

Maybe one day, men and women will stop trying to eliminate the lines between us and realize it’s the differences between the sexes that make romance, family and love an enjoyable experience.

"Gender politics?" Is that even a thing?

If you are getting the feeling that this guy might be a woman hating conservative, his Twitter feed will do little to dissuade you.

He seems to have a real issue with women and liberalism in general. Go figure.

(And yes he supports Donald Trump.)

Personally I have never heard of the guy, but this article is blowing up all over the interwebs.

So here let me offer my two cents.

I grew up during the so-called "sexual revolution" and I was often confused by the changing perceptions of what it was to be masculine or feminine.

Should men be more like John Wayne or Alan Alda. Should women be more like June Cleaver or Mary Tyler Moore?

My mother was a very strong woman, who dealt with misogyny all of the time on her job as a waitress. In response I grew up being more than a little overly sensitive about how men treated women.

So the idea of being dominate in a relationship with a girl was not something I with which I was terribly comfortable. I just did not feel the need.

So as it turned out my first real relationship (In other words one that lasted longer than the weekend or the double feature at the Fireweed Theater) was with a self identified feminist.

She was a bad ass. 

Not only was she my intellectual equal, she was not even remotely intimidated by me and could easily hold her own in a conversation about politics, philosophy, or religion.

I loved it.

In fact all of my relationships since have been with strong independent women.

If that is what it is to be a feminist then I probably would ONLY date somebody who was a feminist, even if they did not identify themselves with that title.

After all what kind of a man really wants to be with a woman who acts helpless and needy simply to feed their ego?

As for gender roles, they are becoming more fluid all of the time. And while that might seem confusing to some of us old fogeys the younger generation is adapting quite readily.

So if this smoldering mound of man meat is uncomfortable with strong independent women that says more about his own insecurities and shortcomings and nothing about the state of "gender politics."

Whatever in the hell that is.


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