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Friday, 9 September 2016

Senator asks for investigation in response to news that Trump's modeling agency illegaly hired immigrant women who did not have the appropriate work visas.

Courtesy of the Bipartisan Report:  

A United States senator just sent the Department of Homeland Security a letter asking for the immediate investigation of Donald Trump’s modeling agency after an August 30th publication by media outlet, Mother Jones, in which Trump’s company was accused of trafficking illegal immigrants willing to work as models. 

The openly anti-immigrant candidate is being accused of “illegally importing” women to work as models in his agency, and while this makes him look like a giant fool, it could also hold legal ramifications that would leave Trump paying a hefty fine, and possibly even serving jail time for human trafficking. 

This isn’t the first time that Trump has been accused of shipping immigrants in with the sole intention of exploiting them for near slave wages. One woman, in particular, was set to be on Trump’s cancelled MTV show “Girls of Hedsor Hall.” Earlier this summer, she spoke out against Trump, saying that he brought her here for no reason other than to be able to pay her less than minimum wage.

Good I'm glad SOMEONE is responding to some of these illegal activities undertaken by Donald Trump.

Don't forget he is also still being accused of multiple rapes, facing a lawsuit for ripping Trump University students off, and the subject of a probe into possibly illegal donations to Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi.

And that is all on top of the thousands of lawsuits that already involve Donald Trump.

Oh yeah, this running for President was a great idea.


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