As some of you pointed out yesterday it appears that Track's case has been disposed.
After having he hearing continued over and over again apparently Track did whatever the minimum requirement was for having the case disappear.
According to the Anchorage DA that was supposed to involve going through some therapeutic program at the VA.
Did he do that? Beats me, but since he is a Palin you can bet he only did the very least he needed to do to get this behind him.
For those who may have forgotten Track Palin was arrested on January 18th, of this year:Track Palin, 26, was charged yesterday with assault, interfering with a report of domestic violence, and possession of a weapon while intoxicated. All three charges are misdemeanors. Spokespersons with both the Wasilla Police Department and the district attorney’s office confirmed their existence.
Later we got a bit more of the story:
According to the three-page affidavit, both Palin and his girlfriend called 911 that night. Police Officer Andrew Kappler wrote that he arrived at the Wasilla home and found Track Palin walking outside and talking on a phone. The officer said Palin had an injury to his right eye and surrounding area, smelled strongly of alcohol and acted with escalating hostility, prompting Kappler to put him in handcuffs.
Police say a breath sample provided by Palin showed he had a blood alcohol level of 0.189.
The affidavit says other officers found the girlfriend hiding under a bed inside the home and crying.
The argument continued at the home, according to the affidavit, which says Palin struck the woman with his fist on the left side of her head near her eye. She curled up in the fetal position because she didn't know what else he would do, the woman told police. She said he then kicked her in the knee and threw her phone across the driveway, according to the court document. The woman said she went inside after getting her phone.
Inside, Palin held the rifle, with the barrel just away from his face pointed to the side, the affidavit states. The affidavit adds that the woman told police Palin was yelling "Do you think I won't do it?"
(We also learned from Gino that Track kept asking Jordan if she thought he was a "pussy," but that did not make it into the police report.)
The case seemed to move slowly for a time and then on July 13th, we thought we heard some good news:
"Defendant remanded to custody." It says it right there in black and white.
And yet by July 15th it had been expunged and replaced with "Hearing Continued."
And that was followed up by this sudden explanation of how the case was going from Track's very expensive attorney:
Sarah Palin’s son is heading into treatment instead of jail after his January domestic violence arrest — and his own lawyer told he needs help for his alcohol problem!
Track “has been assessed” by the VA, his attorney, Kevin T. Fitzgerald told Radar, and at a hearing later this month, he will receive his proposed treatment plan.
“I would expect it has some alcohol component,” Fitzgerald said. “In all candor, Track could be well-served by treatment.”
Getting the domestic violence assault charge dropped was “not an insignificant dismissal,” he said, insisting that the possession of a weapon while intoxicated charge “really more accurately tracks what went down” when Track was accused of drunkenly attacking his girlfriend in January.
Still, Fitzgerald said they weren’t altogether pleased with the final charge that stuck. “I believe it’s got constitutional infirmities because it precludes people form possessing firearms, even unloaded firearms, in their own homes if they’re under the influence,” he insisted. “We weren’t going to make a big constitutional issue of it, but that’s what the situation was.”
Fitzgerald went on to claim that if Track finished his "therapeutic treatment" those final charges would be dropped.
So according to what Court View is saying today that means that Track finished his therapy despite not leaving his parent's home in Wasilla.
Gosh it's good to have powerful friends in the state, don't you think?
But have no fear justice seekers, after all this IS Track Palin we're talking about, so how long can it really be until his next brush with the law?
After having he hearing continued over and over again apparently Track did whatever the minimum requirement was for having the case disappear.
According to the Anchorage DA that was supposed to involve going through some therapeutic program at the VA.
Did he do that? Beats me, but since he is a Palin you can bet he only did the very least he needed to do to get this behind him.
For those who may have forgotten Track Palin was arrested on January 18th, of this year:Track Palin, 26, was charged yesterday with assault, interfering with a report of domestic violence, and possession of a weapon while intoxicated. All three charges are misdemeanors. Spokespersons with both the Wasilla Police Department and the district attorney’s office confirmed their existence.
Later we got a bit more of the story:
According to the three-page affidavit, both Palin and his girlfriend called 911 that night. Police Officer Andrew Kappler wrote that he arrived at the Wasilla home and found Track Palin walking outside and talking on a phone. The officer said Palin had an injury to his right eye and surrounding area, smelled strongly of alcohol and acted with escalating hostility, prompting Kappler to put him in handcuffs.
Police say a breath sample provided by Palin showed he had a blood alcohol level of 0.189.
The affidavit says other officers found the girlfriend hiding under a bed inside the home and crying.
The argument continued at the home, according to the affidavit, which says Palin struck the woman with his fist on the left side of her head near her eye. She curled up in the fetal position because she didn't know what else he would do, the woman told police. She said he then kicked her in the knee and threw her phone across the driveway, according to the court document. The woman said she went inside after getting her phone.
Inside, Palin held the rifle, with the barrel just away from his face pointed to the side, the affidavit states. The affidavit adds that the woman told police Palin was yelling "Do you think I won't do it?"
(We also learned from Gino that Track kept asking Jordan if she thought he was a "pussy," but that did not make it into the police report.)
The case seemed to move slowly for a time and then on July 13th, we thought we heard some good news:
"Defendant remanded to custody." It says it right there in black and white.
And yet by July 15th it had been expunged and replaced with "Hearing Continued."
And that was followed up by this sudden explanation of how the case was going from Track's very expensive attorney:
Sarah Palin’s son is heading into treatment instead of jail after his January domestic violence arrest — and his own lawyer told he needs help for his alcohol problem!
Track “has been assessed” by the VA, his attorney, Kevin T. Fitzgerald told Radar, and at a hearing later this month, he will receive his proposed treatment plan.
“I would expect it has some alcohol component,” Fitzgerald said. “In all candor, Track could be well-served by treatment.”
Getting the domestic violence assault charge dropped was “not an insignificant dismissal,” he said, insisting that the possession of a weapon while intoxicated charge “really more accurately tracks what went down” when Track was accused of drunkenly attacking his girlfriend in January.
Still, Fitzgerald said they weren’t altogether pleased with the final charge that stuck. “I believe it’s got constitutional infirmities because it precludes people form possessing firearms, even unloaded firearms, in their own homes if they’re under the influence,” he insisted. “We weren’t going to make a big constitutional issue of it, but that’s what the situation was.”
Fitzgerald went on to claim that if Track finished his "therapeutic treatment" those final charges would be dropped.
So according to what Court View is saying today that means that Track finished his therapy despite not leaving his parent's home in Wasilla.
Gosh it's good to have powerful friends in the state, don't you think?
But have no fear justice seekers, after all this IS Track Palin we're talking about, so how long can it really be until his next brush with the law?