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Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Hunting, Benghazi, Ted Nugent, Sean Hannity, the new Donald Trump infomercial has it all.

You know I was warned back in the seventies about LSD flashbacks but I had no idea they could be this batshit crazy.

So uh was there anybody in this commercials that was NOT some kind of reality star or gun humping ammosexual?

My takeaway from this commercial is that almost everybody Donald Trump knows is a person who pretends to be a version of themselves on a scripted "reality show."

Which kind of makes me think that his idea of America is some combination of The Biggest Loser, the Jersey Shore, and Duck Dynasty all spliced together to create a country of overweight loudmouths with no talent and little intelligence, with a penchant for gun violence.

Actually that sounds like a lot of places we already have in America.

By the way if you were wondering how Sean Hannity can appear in a commercial for Donald Trump while under contract with Fox News, well he can't:

Fox News star Sean Hannity—a vocal supporter of Donald Trump on his radio show and his 10 p.m. program on the top-rated, right-leaning cable network—is in hot water Tuesday after his bosses were alerted to his participation in a Trump campaign video.

Apparently, Hannity didn’t see fit to obtain permission for starring in the political ad—an act that would be considered a serious breach of ethics at the overwhelming majority of news outlets—and the sort of behavior that is definitely not condoned at a post-Roger Ailes Fox News. 

“We were not aware of Sean Hannity participating in a promotional video,” said a Fox News spokesperson, after The Daily Beast informed the network of Hannity’s appearance, “and he will not be doing anything along these lines for the remainder of the election season.”

Gee it appears that Hannity just gave the new sheriff in town over at Fox a reason to cut him loose and kick him to the curb like they did with Greta Van Susteren.

Good thing he has that Trump TV gig to fall back on.

Assuming of course that the American people are significantly more intelligent than your typical reality star and know enough to keep this idiot out of the White House.


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